Monday, March 24, 2008

Quantity over Quality

It’s the last day of the 21 days of writing and after an exhausting weekend of painting and socializing I am sitting down to complete the last 8 minutes of my commitment. Have things changed I wonder? Has this self imposed sentence had any gains, have my self cencoring and sabotaging habits been reformed, has my 21 day program seen a change for the better? In the last 21 days, I have not necessarily discovered more faith in my writing ability or miraculously come to the conclusion that I am a fabulous writer. What has happened is that I have written, I have committed to showing up to the page every day and producing something, pushing aside the need for it to be valid or good and focusing purely on the quantity. I remember once hearing about a class of sculpture students who were divided in two, half the group were instructed to produce one piece of excellent quality and the other half of the group to produce 200 pieces with no regard to quality. Invariably the group that produced 200 pieces discovered new techniques and ways of working and concentrated on their process rather than the product. The other group with only one piece to produce agonized over their choices and curbed risk in their work focusing solely on the product rather than the process. This is mostly what I have learnt over these 21 days, that quantity leads to quality and if your focus remains on your process and not your product invariably the product will be better.

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