Monday, March 10, 2008

Just The Three Of Us

This blog is generally coming in three's, there are three under the tree and there are three main reasons why I have started a blog

It is one the chronicle of the writing life that I am making day to day, my climb higher up through the creative branches with its grand views and also it's a record of the sudden slips and the scraping falls that is pursuing what you love in the midst of terrible fear...

It is two the chronicle of my real life, of corralling the strength to move house, to grow a veggie garden, of becoming and being a wife and preparing myself for a baby that is floating somewhere in the air waiting for the right time to come...

It is three a chronicle of my inner life, of whirling as Saturn returns and leads up to my 30th birthday, a sorting out of priorities, a drawing of boundaries and generally being a bit kick ass about the life that I want, the way I want to live and how I want to be treated....

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