Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching the Big Fish

I am settled at my computer after a whirlwind of activity and I feel like the washing machine stilled after the spin cycle. After a 4am start, flight to Melbourne, back to back meetings, a 5pm flight back and a 6.30 landing, I got home at 7 to clean my room, get dinner on the stove and now I’m writing for my blog which I have missed for 2 days. In between all of this I have managed to sandwich in David Lynch's little book titled “Catching the Big Fish”, after a beautiful beginning analogy about catching ideas like fish and going deeper to get the bigger ideas, deeper where the bigger fish reside, the rest of the book is a collection of random thoughts. However Lynch kept returning to his practice of transcendental meditation as his means of going deeper and touching the ‘unified field’ or that place of ultimate connection where, as the Beatles say, “I am you, you are me and we are we”.

After the bleak disconnection that I have been feeling this week, I wanted to transcend the amusement park which has become my head, its basically become all roller coasters, clowns oscillating, BB guns going off, and huge stuffed animals. All this action in my head is making my body feel like its on a constant sugar rush. The minutes have been melting away and life is feeling small and compacted. I like Lynch’s idea of using meditation to expand my consciousness and perhaps have that filter through into the rest my life.

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