Thursday, March 20, 2008

Endings and Beginnings

It’s nearly a full moon tonight and the air is expectant, the heat of the day is now swirling into a cool wind and inviting a storm, teasing it out slowly. It’s Easter weekend and the city has spent hours emptying out, in preparation for the pared down quiet of Good Friday. It’s been so long since I have been to church or read the bible that I barely remember what Easter is about, Jesus dying and rising again. A time for endings and new beginnings in a way. Things are definitely beginning for Greg and I, our second house is in its last stressful stages of completion and we will be painting all weekend. This house was a long time realization for Greg who has wanted to build an empire and have his own plan rather than depending on someone else’s. For me I feel like a new era of both work and creativity are beginning and for the first time in a long time I feel like they can really work well together. I got a very significant pay rise today, which was amazing, my boss gave it to me without me having to ask, and said that I absolutely deserved it, it was very heartening and like a blessing from the universe that said yes, this working and writing thing can work had in hand. This afternoon I started making some plans for my writing also, I have picked out a few key shows that will help shape the book and I know if I work on it slowly that it will come together. As we drove home tonight, through the dewy darkness, I said to Greg, ‘life is good’ and I meant it.

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