Sunday, July 6, 2008

Enjoying the Now

Greg and I have had the most amazing weekend, kicked of on Friday with dinner and a good chin wag with my friend Adrian. Adrian is working on Baz Lurman's new film 'Australia' and gave us a little bit of goss on the stars, it all felt so LA. Adrian however is anything but, instead he is a lovely validation that you can be following your dreams and work in a really cool industry without being pulled into all the bullshit of it.

Then it was off to my parents house for my little sister's 9th birthday party, which was a surreal blur of screaming 9 year old's, hocked up on sugar and generally going a bit nuts. Fueled up on lollies, party pies and stolen chocolates we took the scenic drive to Greg's brothers for a weekend of food, sleep and long walks along the beach. The food was mouth watering, Greg's brother Paul made gnocchi from scratch topped with wild mushrooms, followed by a leg of lamb stuffed with anchovies and rubbed with Olive tepenade. It was delicious and sedated me into a calm sleep, basking in the quiet and starring out at the stars.

We awoke to a clear blue sky, buttery yellow sunshine, and a winter bare tree crowned with about 10 cockatoo's, it was magic. Paul, his wife Teena, Greg and I then spent a couple of hours on the deck soaking up the sunshine and enjoying a lazy breakfast. As I looked out over the landscape of a still ocean and crystal blue skies I started to do what I always do, wishing, wanting and craving that I could have this all the time. Completely overlooking the fact that I had it now. The negativity and sadness started to swell up even though I was in the midst of this almost perfect moment. Luckily I caught myself and remembered that everything was mine to enjoy if I was prepared to stay here and now to savour it.

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